4 Reasons Why Your Business Needs A Fixed IP Address
ShareIP addresses come in two different options, shared or fixed. The shared IP address option is by far the most popular option; however, this popularity does not mean it's the best. In fact, for business owners like yourself, a fixed IP address is the better option. A fixed IP address assigns a unique IP code to each computer that connects to the server or website, as opposed to a single system for all users. Learn how a fixed IP service can benefit your company.
1. Convenient Access
A fixed IP address grants you the opportunity to access your website no matter where you are. With a shared IP address, you generally need to access the service first in order to reach the administrative functions. If the server is in the office, this lack of convenience means that you will have to go into the office. With a fixed address, you can access the administrative features of your website no matter where you are.
2. SSL Certificate
If you ask customers to share their personal information on your site, such as an address or a credit card number, it is your duty to ensure their information is protected. Accomplishing this goal with a fixed IP address is easier. Fixed IP addresses provide your website with an SSL certificate. An SSL certificate goes the extra mile to keep information transferred over your site secure.
3. Professional Reputation
A fixed IP address gives your business a more professional reputation. For example, consider the addition of the SSL certificate. For the internet consumer concerned about their protection, the idea of doing business with a company that does not have a certificate often seems too risky. As a result, the customer will take their business elsewhere. However, when you have a certificate on your site, you show that you are a professional organization concerned about protecting your customers.
4. Compatibility
Given the brazenness of hackers, many third-party applications and systems that your website connects to will require that your website operates on a fixed IP address. If the website does not, users will not be able to use specific features within the site. A website that is not fully functional is an inconvenience and looks unprofessional. When you have a fixed IP address, you don't have to worry about these issues, and your users have full connectivity.
A fixed IP address can give your company an advantage in many ways, while also making your job easier. Contact a provider to buy ip addresses and learn all the ways in which this service can benefit you.